Big Talbot Island, FL Photoshoot | Boston Family Photographer
Several years ago when my son Chase, now 7 and a half, was only six weeks old, he and I boarded a plane from North Carolina to come home to Boston. I was nervous for how the flight would go but I kept him happily tucked away in his Bjorn carrier. When we landed and all the passengers were getting off, several stopped me to ask if Chase was real. Not because he didn’t look real, but because he was so well behaved in the carrier and never made a peep! I was so relieved that he was a good traveler and he has been ever since!

For a long time our family lived in different areas so we were always jumping on a plane to vacation, work, or visit family and friends. There were a few years in a row that Chase and I were traveling nearly every month!
Since moving home to Boston our traveling has slowed down quite a bit but recently Chase and I got to spend a little time down in Florida. His grandpa accompanied Chase down to Florida where he got to spend time visiting his grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. He had a great time and I flew down last week to meet him! Together we spent some time visiting family, old friends, and the old neighborhood we used to live in. It was awesome!

One thing I knew I had to do while on our trip to Florida was travel to this amazing beach that one of my photographer friends does all her sessions at. Big Talbot Island is located on Amelia Island, just north of where we used to live. The beach is beautiful with white sand and all this amazing driftwood covering the whole beach.

Normally, Chase doesn’t like to model for me, but when bribed with ice cream (or rewarded – however you want to look at it) he was more than willing and totally rocked it! These are probably some of my favorite pictures to date!

Interested in booking a session with Courtney Hizey Photography? Feel free to contact me or book online today!