Holiday Photo Sessions | Massachusetts Family Photographer
With the holiday season fast approaching and the stores already lined with everything Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukah, and more, Courtney Hizey Photography has been getting non-stop requests for holiday photo sessions!
This year, I am holding holiday photo sessions at my new Weston, MA photography studio. I have three holiday "themes" that I am shooting including a Rustic Holiday theme, a Holiday Swing theme on my new swing that I LOVE, and Holiday PJ photos! I am hoping to add a fourth theme as well so if you have any great ideas, head on over to my Facebook post and let me know! You could win a free holiday session with Courtney Hizey Photography!
These themes can all be customized to include the full family, just the kiddos, or couples... whatever you'd like! And of course, if there is something else you'd like to do, let me know, I am more then happy to work with you to provide the holiday photos of your dreams!
My sessions are booking up super quick this year so be sure to contact me with any questions or book online asap! You don't want to miss out on the chance for beautiful holiday photos of your family!